

Detailed photo of 128oz print
Detailed photo of 128oz print
Detailed photo of 128oz print
Detailed photo of 128oz written title
Photo of stamped print
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18 x 24 inch six-location manual screen print on acid free 250g Stonehenge deckled paper.


Amaryllis plant
Amaryllis Hippeastrum

Producing 128oz served as an art therapy exercise for validating the long-term eff­ects of COVID-19. At this point in time, pro­cessing the pan­demic's mental re­percussions has been superseded by the demands of the "new normal." There is no vaccine for your trauma; go back to work.

Lucky bamboo plant
Dracaena sanderiana (lucky bamboo)

Unprocessed experiences from lockdown are subject to compartmentalization, stacked onto a growing Jenga tower of subconscious memories. But running into a reminder from the pandemic (a masked pedestrian, a faded X on the sidewalk, a reminder of the deceased…) drops a block back into consciousness.

Archival white lily illustration by Die weisse Seeblume
Nymphaea alba (white lily)

To compartment­alize a memory is to hastily toss the block to the top of the tower. To pro­cess is to pause and strategically place the memory inside the tower's foundation. A hasty build inevitably leads to a top-heavy tower incapable of supporting its own weight. Processing each block as they fall creates a pyramid.

Monstera deliciosa plant
Monstera Deliciosa (split-leaf philodendron)

128oz is a personal reminder to priori­tize self-care. Bet­ween 2020-2021 the amount of water I required to offset months of respir­atory fatigue incr­eased from four cups to what is now a gallon per day. A consistent need to rehydrate reminds me to treat my body as an elder not as a machine. Whether we are processing mental trauma or accommodating physical setbacks, we are responsible for building our own support system.

Image of red hot poker vine by César Delnatte
Norantea guianensis (red hot poker vine)

behold the obelisk